Kettey Boutique’s personal touch

At the tender age of 12 growing up in Ghana, Kettey found herself looking for inspiration in certain things that caught her eye, but as she matured, she decided to pursue only those that capture her heart….fashion.
She discovered her love for fashion early on while assisting her childhood friend selling second hand clothing.   During this time, as the mesmerized and determined teen browsed through stylish, and different fabrics than she has been used to, she nurtured a determination to learn everything she could about the of world fashion with the ambition of one day  opening her own unique retail store.

With sheer determination, Kettey realized her dream of a life submerged in fashion in the United States. She started making trips to the most famous fashion houses throughout the world, focusing on the designers she felt captured the look and feel she wanted to offer her clientele. She knew her next career move was to handpick designers and share their authentic and exquisite lines in the United States.

“My standards are very high” Kettey says. “In the world of fashion, quality fabrics are essential. They determine how designers visualize their pieces and play a fundamental role in the way they express their creativity, so I decided to focus on the best fabrics first, then their design later”.

Kettey opened a very upscale retail store featuring only the best designers — and that, she decided, would be the only way she did business. Kettey’s Boutique was introduced to Scottsdale, AZ in February 2011.  A brilliant, stylish and sophisticated mix of authentic European and North American fashions featuring unique and elegant collections from some of the best Italian, French, German, Israeli, Canadian and American design houses. Kettey’s Boutique quickly evolved into one of the most influential fashion stores in Arizona participating in fashion shows, media, charities, and high-profile events. A notable project and in the spirit of “passing it forward”, Kettey launched Designer Runway in 2013, where she selected local talented designers to promote their incredible fashions on her popular runway event.

In 2017, after many inquiries, Kettey decided to launch an online store, making her unique collections more accessible to a wider clientele globally. In addition to her new online store, her online magazine, Kettey’s Couture has become a favorite among fashionistas showcasing the latest fashion personalities and trends. Kettey’s Boutique, off of Frank Lloyd Wright and Scottsdale Road offers a knowledgeable, comfortable and attentive atmosphere. She not only  supports fundraising, corporate and special events, she also operates her own non-profit, Ketteys Exchange for Children And Women Resources, an organization to aid children and battered women throughout the world.
